Sunday, October 13, 2013

Race Edition: Dwars door Hasselt 15K

What an unbelievable racing experience!  Where do I start?  First and foremost, I set a new Personal Record for the 15k at 76:50!  That beats my time from the Downtown Doubler two Septembers ago by nearly a minute.

My bike!!!
The race started at 3:30pm. Much different from what I am used to back in the states. Also different from the states was how I got to the
race: I ride a bike. Yes I rode a bike. The new place I am staying at
said not to drive, nowhere to park, and said use the bike instead. It
was about the easiest way to get to a race other than having someone drive you.

The whole city came out for this race. They have a 1k, 3k, 5k, ladies
only 5k, 10k and 15k. All the other races started way earlier starting
at 1:30, and since I was there with the Konings team, I had two hours
of down time before the race. Maybe it was a good thing but man was the wind cold. Lucky for me, Kate packed me my orange Nike Jacket and for that I am super thankful.

Pre Race Line Up
The music they play pre race is all me. Electronic. House. Trance.
Dance. Upbeat stuff to get you ready for a run. As I lined up to start
in the middle if the pack I felt good and when they said go, we went.

First 2k were packed but moving at a good pace. Was happy with how
fast and settled in at this pace, 5:05 or so for.

At km 4, we actually ran in to a building. It reminded me of running
the Derby half where you run I to Churchill Downs but the was like an
industrial building. Whatever it was fun.

At km 8 I knew I had a legit chance to PR let alone beat my time goal
of 80 minutes.

Around km 9 I saw a few people from Konings. It's fascinating when in
another country where clearly you can hear your native language. I'd
been hearing Dutch for miles and then all of a sudden I hear 'Go
James' in unmistaken clear English. I waved and yelled 'Hey' to my
Belgian coworkers and keep on my pace with a bit of pep in my step.

Race Performance...
Km 12. Started slowing down a bit. Wind in my face, a little light rain, people passing me. Legs tired. Heart rate above 175. All not such good things. But this race I had something to prove to myself after Napa's meltdown. I started running with heart again. A song came on my iPhone that reminded me of Kate when we first started dating.  I thought of running with Oly this summer off his leash right next to me as I did mile repeats.  I thought of Nell Bell and her little tiny muscular legs running around the house everywhere. I thought of Calli and having FaceTime with her the night before and watching her break down in years crying asking when I would be home again.  That's all fuel for running with heart...

At km 13 I knew I had it in me.  The last 2k of the race wound throughout the city I have spent 6 of the last 7 weeks in. There were people cheering everywhere. I was so focused on my family, my heart and my stride. When I turned the corner into Dussart Plein I put it into high gear and crossed the finish line with a huge smile on my face. And then the race announcer said something in Dutch followed by James Halaris!!!! It was my race and my day today. 76:50. A new PR!

Dwars door Hasselt 15k finishers medal - i am ready for Indy...

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Week 41 - Sixth Week

Going to be an interesting week this week.  Will actually run in four different countries this week, which seems really strange but feel very fortunate that I have the opportunity to do so.  Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and Ireland...

Sunday 6 October

Me at the border between Germany and The Netherlands
GPS proof of border crossing
Never did I imagine I'd ever run in two states on a single run let alone two countries (did the two states run a few times between Indiana and Kentucky this year).  Well Axel only lives 2-3km from the Dutch boarder and being the dorky tourist i felt like being, I ran to the Netherlands from Germany.  Axel, Kerstin and their son Hannes all came with me on there bikes.  Real leisurely pace and some posing for the camera at the border...Grade B.

Monday 7 October

The boring dreadmill run at the Sheraton Airport Brussels.  Grade C.

Tuesday 8 October

St Stephens Park in Dublin - fantastic park
 I loved Dublin.  What a fantastic city to run in, shop in, and people watch.  I also made sure i had my pint of Guinness while there, but more importantly, crushed a 5k training run in St. Stephens park.  I also don't think this will be the last time in run in this park - perfectly laid out so that the long ring around the scenic park is almost exactly 1 km...just perfect.  Lots of people out doing sports, sitting around reading, pushing babies in strollers - made me miss my family big time, and people eating and hanging out.  Pushed pace for the run 5:39 min/km.  Grade A.

Wednesday 9 October

The boring dreadmill run at the Westbury Hotel in Dublin.  Grade C.

Thursday 10 October

Worked a pretty long day but got caught up with my work - which put me back at the hotel almost at 7pm.  Went for a quick run around the ring.  I could see that the barricades for Sunday's race were starting to be staged - and that got me excited.  Grade A-.

Friday 11 October

I got up early and went for a run around the ring.  The weather was perfect - shorts were ok, but you needed a long sleeve shirt, winter hat and gloves.  My last 4km were all under 5:30 km/min - which I'd be happy with for a race pace come Sunday.  Grade A.

Saturday 12 October

Just an real easy lap around the ring - not too much effort since i have the race tomorrow.   Body felt like going faster.  Grade A (hey, it's a taper run).

Distance Recap

Didn't really have any targeted distance this week - just wanted to explore the different parts of Europe I am lucky enough to be able to run in.  Did nearly 25k this week which feels right given the race distance Sunday.  I am ready for my race tomorrow and I'll post a 'special edition' blog entry post race!

Next week I need to get one speed workout in.  Hopefully i can do that.  Also planning to go to Brussel for the weekend and will run with a friend in the city on Saturday and Sunday mornings, so that's kind of fun.  At this point, the Sunday race will really be the last long run before the half in Indy - so the hay is already in the barn as we say in the Midwest!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Week 40 - Fifth Week

After a great week at home with my family and friends, I am headed back to Belgium Monday.  While in the states, i picked up a new pair of shoes, Adidas Glide.  Should be a nice change from the four pairs of Brooks Glycerines I had been in for the past year.

Adidas Glide

Sunday 29 September

Sunday's Run
My SIL Ashley and I ran a giant loop around Bloomington today.  It was also POURING rain for nearly all of our run.  We basically decided that we would still run because the weather on the day of the Monumental half could very well be exactly what today was like.  Solid pace through a difficult (hilly) course with rain.  New shoes worked out awesomely and i tried to keep from stepping in any huge puddles.  My shorts, hat, socks and shirt were COMPLETELY soaked and waterlogged.  At least some good practice and Ashely made for good running company.  Hopefully my legs won't be too sore so that on the cramped flight i won't need to stretch out too much.  Grade A.

Monday 30 September

This was my last run in the states for a while.  Just ran around the neighborhood with Oly.  Recovery run.  Grade A.

Tuesday 1 October

Ran around the Hasselt ring in a attempt to eliminate or reduce jet lag.  Felt pretty good running it and got my pace under 6:00 min/km.  Grade A.

Wednesday 2 October

Got up at a normal time so my jet lag seems to have been defeated by the run yesterday.  Ran around the ring nice and easy before heading into work.  Grade A.

Thursday 3 October

Felt like groundhog's day - same run as yesterday morning, but much faster this time at 5:39 min/km.  Grade A.

Friday 4 October

I drove to Kaldenkirchen, Germany to revisit where i studied for a month in high school and see my host brother Axel and his family.  I got in to Germany after dark so Axel accompanied me on his bike and we did a quick 2k around the neighborhood.  While running, i saw a lighted sign of my Lieblingsbier - Diebels alt.  Grade B+.

Me, Axel und Diebels alt.

Saturday 5 October

Axel again accompanied me on my run from his bike and took my on a slightly longer route.  Could actually see the Netherlands from where we were.  It was humid out and we had a great time being out.  Nice slow pace above 6 min/km.  Grade B.

Distance Recap

I had targeted 40 km this past week.  Short by 8 km at 32km for the week.  My long run with Ashley was great but the travel did take it's toll on me this week.  Nevertheless, i got to see Axel and his family, who i had not seen in 18 years, and it was well worth the trip to see him.

Headed to Ireland this week and hoping to get a good Dublin city or park run in while I am there.  Have a feeling i will also be doing some treadmill runs on Monday and Wednesday (airplane travel days).  Won't have much distance or effort on Friday the 11th or Saturday the 12th as I have a race on the 13th.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Week 39 - Fourth Week

It was so awesome coming home on Friday!  My flight actually got in an hour EARLY, that never happens.  Long run Sunday and speed work scheduled for Thursday.  Pre Remicade run on Friday and a 5k race for breast cancer support on Saturday.  I'll be pushing the girls in the double bob so not a competitive race expected.

Sunday 22 September

20k crushed!
I was so excited to see Megan and Bridget on today's long run.  Hadn't seen either in 3 weeks and we had lots to catch up on.  I brought them each a Belgian waffle for the post run snack and maybe that's why we absolutely crushed our run.  We did the Seneca to Cherokee loop but did it in reverse...some of those nice downhills now were not so fun uphills.  Then we ran by Bridget's first house in St. Matthew and back.  When we got back to the park we were still short distance so we finished with a lap on the Seneca loop - and it was our fastest mile!  Its hard to imagine that my next long run with these two training partners will actually by the race on 2 November...  Grade A.

Monday 23 September

I was so sore today - i could barely do any speed and my calves and the hills were killing me.  Given how yesterday's run was, i probably should have expected this.  Pace was 6:45 min/km.  Grade B.

Tuesday 24 September

Still sore today but not as bad.  I actually rolled out my lower and outside legs last night after my run so that probably helped.  Took Oly with me on a quick loop around the hood.  Speed work tomorrow am.  Pace was an improvement over yesterday at 6:34 min/km.  Grade D+ since i did not do the prescribed distance.

Wednesday 25 September

Got up early this morning and ran my usual two laps around Cherokee park.  Met with Laura and Megan; both of whom are way faster than me so for speed work they make great running partners.  After a quick 5 minute warm up we started out and i was feeling good.  Of course when we got to dog hill, both times they pulled ahead of me and i fought to catch up.  I figured i was just really out of shape since i hadn't done any speed work.  Much to my surprise, i had my second fastest single lap time ever at 20:13.  Total time for both laps was 41:45.  Pace during speed work was 5:24 min/km.  Grade A+.

Thursday 26 September

My legs were pretty tired after crushing Cherokee park the day before and it was Selena's third run in 24 hours, so we just took it easy and ran the Pioneer 5k course nice an easy.  Pace was 6:18 min/km.  Grade B+.

Friday 27 September

Remicade infusion day.  Got a pretty good routine down for infusion day.  Get up, drink a gatorade.  Go on a 1.5-3 mile run.  Drink more gatorade, get IV in arm and get infused.  Tolerated the infusion well and feel ready for the Hoosiers Outrun Cancer 5k tomorrow.

Saturday 28 September

Me and Kate before the HOC 5k
Today my entire family and extended family ran in the Hoosier Outrun Cancer 5k in Bloomington.  It was a great way to celebrate life's wins over cancer and respectfully remember those that fought valiantly against cancer.  I ran for Team Becky and adorned my pink LuLu Lemon shorts and rocked out the pink and black striped socks.  There were so many people for the first mile that i could only walk with the stroller.  By the time we got into mile 2, the crowd was thinning and we were moving good.  Starting running full time after mile 2 and had a nice finish with Aaron, Kobe Kate and the girls in the double bob.  Nice easy walking warm up and some running for the last half.   Because of how many people where packed in for the event, (which is a good thing), my time was my all time slowest at 45:58 but i don't care; i was just happy to be able to support the cause. Grade B+.

Distance recap

I had targeted 49 km this past week.  Short by 4 km at 45km for the week.  I was very happy with both my long run and my speed work so i'll say this week was a good success.

I am headed back to Belgium this week so Monday and Tuesday runs will be minimal.  Planning on doing 10-12 miles on Sunday with Ashley while in Bloomington.  I'll be in Germany on Friday visiting my old exchange student host family and look forward to running in Germany on Saturday.  Target distance this week is 40km.  

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Week 38 - Third Week

I finally get to come home this week and see my family! I have missed them so much since I have been gone for the past 2.5 weeks.  Gonna be a tough training especially later in the week on the day I travel home but schedule looks good to be able to get speed work in and long run Sunday.


Sunday 15 September

17k crushed!
Absolutely gorgeous morning for a run!  Sun was finally shining today and the weather was perfect, right at 50 degrees.  I met Frank and three of his buddies and the 5 of us took off on our long run.  About 3k into the run, while in the forest on the trails, there were 2 huge cows just standing in the middle of the path.  We walked around them as the Mooooooooooed!  Kind of funny.

On today's run i did manage to stop and take a picture of the castle we run by.  Its huge and I think i can maybe go inside an visit it.  I'll have to ask - it reminded me of the huge mansion homes in Newport, Rhode Island and the Biltmore

The last six or seven km were solid.  My splits were all around 6:20 min/km + or - 3 seconds so i felt good running right along.  The earlier part of the run was faster, closer to 6:00 but overall a real solid effort.  I'll grade this an A.

Fabulous castle in Belgium


Monday 16 September

I was still a little sore after yesterday's run.  Just did a loop around Hasselt nice an easy.  6:10 min/km.  A- Grade.

Tuesday 17 September

It was a really busy workday and I was procrastinating running all day because i was still sore from Sunday.  I decided that I would run after dinner, which ended up being around 9.  While i did not PUKE, i do not recommend running, in the rain, at night, after eating spaghetti Bolognese and prosecco. Slows 6:25 km/min!  Was also supposed to run 5k - didn't happen.  Grade = C.

Wednesday 18 September

The track near Hasselt and Zonhoven
The track Frank showed me on Sunday's run was today's location.  I was so excited to actually be able to run at a real track and get in some good speed work.  Did 800 meter warm up followed by 5x400's with 2 minutes rest.  I blew away the first 400 - i knew i was too fast - but wa so excited to be on a good running surface.  Times were 87, 97, 96, 103 and 97.  Grade A.


Thursday 19 September

This was my first 'early morning' run.  I had to run in the morning because I planned on driving to Brussels in preparation for my return home.  I also felt sore in my outer quads - a good sign from the speed work i did yesterday.  I felt like i could have run further but decided to ease up.  Grade A-.

Friday 20 September

'Dreadmill' screen
I stayed at the Sheraton Brussels which is actually only 39 steps from the hotel door to the departures door at the airport.  So needless to say, there is just nowhere to go run around outside.  Aside from getting sick and missing 9 days with pneumonia, i had run every single day OUTSIDE, on the roads, streets, track, park, in whatever weather mother nature sent my way.  Today just wasn't gonna happen.  First time on a treadmill in 553  I still remember why i prefer running anywhere else.  Didn't go the full distance.  Grade B.

Saturday 21 September

First run back in the states in nearly 3 weeks.  Just did a lap around Hayfield Way with Calli in the Double BOB and oly came with.  He got tangled up in the BOB right away - he forgot how to run with the stroller.  Grade B.

Distance Recap

I had targeted 37-42 km this past week.  Short by 4-9 km at 32.6km for the week.  A few 5k days i only did 2 or 3 k so missed there.  But I was happy with both my long run and speed work, so i got the hard ones in and with good effort.

Back in the states this week and plan to get back into the routine of a long run Sunday and a tempo run Thursday morning.  Looking forward to reconnecting with my Louisville runners and share stores over the last 3 weeks away.  Target distance this week is same as last week: 37-42km.  

It feels great to be back home!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Week 37 - Second Week

It's my second week now in Belgium and I am starting to feel much more comfortable walking and running around Hasselt.  Work looks to be similar to last week; hoping to get some speed work in on Wednesday this week, as well as try out some new routes in the city.  Long run of 15k is goal and that will get knocked out Sunday.


Sunday 8 September

I met Frank and two of his running cohorts at the park at 830.  We crushed a 15k run with an average pace around 6 min/km.  What was so different about this run was the trail running part.  Back in the states; i am 100% street or track running; whereas today's run had over 50% on trails.  I really enjoyed it and learned some Dutch along the way - left = links; right = rechts (both similar to German) and straight = rechtdoor.

Some notable things about today's run: castles are magnificent - I'll snap a picture next time i run here by myself, running through a petting zoo is fun just as much as stopping to pet a goat, rabbit or pig, some trails were wooden bridges where chicken wire was laid on them to prevent slipping in wet - which i was wet today so that was nice, and sometimes bike's don't see you and you need to shout at them to look!

I'll give today's run an A.  Happy with being able to keep up with these Belgian's and getting in all 15k at a pace slightly faster than i run back home.  Everyone in Louisville be ready to pick up the pace a bit on long run days!


Monday 9 September

It has gotten colder outside over the weekend and the forecast for the week calls for rain and cool temps.  I had a lot of energy at the end of the day which explains my pace.  Just a very quick 3k today down Maastrichtersteenweg at 5:22 min/km.  Grade is A.


Tuesday 10 September

Explored more of the town and found a 5k route i think i can live with.  Was quite happy with the run and the time under 30 minutes at 5:49 min/km.  A grade.


Wednesday 11 September

Today my UC decided it was a good day to show its ugly face.  Barely made it to work in time to hit the restroom in time and my guts grumbled all day...and the bloating sucks too.  Furthermore, I'm starting to figure out my new job a bit more which leads to some stress...but ugh it just came on so fast and suddenly.  Got out the door for a less than stellar run but nevertheless got it in.  2.4km at 5:50 min/km.  Grade B.


Thursday 12 September

Had planned on doing some speed work but with the stresses of being away and work being absolutely brutal again today, i managed a quick run around the Hasselt ring.  5:49 min/km.  Grade E (did not do speed work).


Friday 13 September

Did a fast run around the ring again.  Much better day at work and just overall.  The UC issues I was having on Wednesday have been non existent today and yesterday.  Just glad that was only one day.  5:19 min/km.  Grade A-.


Saturday 14 September

Left - Red - Bikes
Right - Blocks - Sidewalk
Scheduled for 8km, only did 5.5km.  Traffic around the ring was rather busy and it was sprinkling.  For a portion of the run i ran on the 'dedicated' bike lane and did a speed burst; felt really good.  Much easier to run on vs the brick by brick laid sidewalks.  5:34 min/km; grade B+


Distance Recap

Had targeted 40-45km this week but did not get speed work in nor did i get all my miles in.  I did have a good long run Sunday and know that one is important.  We'll give this week a B+, missed speed work and short total distance but overall a good week.  

I have 17km scheduled Sunday with Frank and perhaps some of his friends.  Hopefully on Tuesday or Wednesday do a speed workout at the track between my hotel and the office.  Friday is going to be the most difficult day to get a run in because i leave Brussels at 10:45 am and arrive to Louisville at 7:05 pm; and the last thing i want to do when i get home after being away for so long is to lace up for a mile.  I'll figure it out...Target distance next week = 37-42km.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Week 36 - First Week

November 2.  It's one of the precious Saturday's over the next several months where I will actually be back in The States.  I've taken a new job that relocated me to Belgium, away from my family (I miss them so much already) for 3-4 weeks at a time, so I figured I'd train for the Monumental half in Indy.  My SIL Ashley asked me just before I left if I was gonna run the half and I said why yes, why not, I'll actually be home that that's the story of how I signed up.


Sunday 1 September

The day after Ashley asked me about the race, I had already planned on running 8 miles with Megan anyway just to keep my fitness up and get a long run in before flying out on Monday.  Just your typical 6 am 8 mile run, filled with snakes in the road, puddles and a cop turning on his lights and yelling at us to get off the road or we'd get killed (at 6am on Sunday no one drives on this road).  Felt good, ave pace was around 10 min/mi.  Good start to long run training.


Monday 2 September

This was my last run in the states for almost three weeks.  I got up early and put in an easy mile around the neighborhood with Oly before my flight left at 2pm.  Oly is Kate and my awesome labradoodle we got from the pound in Iowa six years ago and he is a great short/middle distance runner and companion.   I'll miss running with Oly.  Pace was just under 11 min/mi.


Tuesday 3 September

First run in Belgium.  Have slept maybe 3 hours in the last 30.  Went straight from airport to my new workplace...left around 430pm to go to hotel.  Streets are cobblestone; there are not any defined sidewalks but walkers, runners and bikers have the right of way.  Hotel is situated just inside the city circle which I explored on this run.  2.43 km around the loop.  Pace was fast at 5:50 min/km.
Hasselt has lots of streets that look like this.
Ankle busters!!!!!


Wednesday 4 September

I am getting more comfortable running in the city and knowing my way around.  Did the full circle this time.  Pace was slower but still good at 6:10 min/km.  I'll go farther tomorrow now that the jet lag has dissipated.

Runkeeper stats


Thursday 5 September

It got up to 32 C (90 F) so i cut back the 5k i was gonna do and kept it at one loop.  Had a busy day and processed a lot during my run.  Felt good to push at the end and i am ready to see more of the town.  5:40 min/km.


Friday 6 September

It was warm today but not as warm as yesterday.  Ran the Hasselt ring again and at the market square area they had a huge screen TV and speakers to broadcast the soccer game from Scotland.  Pretty cool.  Frank, one of my new cohorts in Belgium, showed me two different parks today.  I'll hit up the Japanese Garden tomorrow and the Nature Preserve trail Sunday.  6:10 km/min.


Saturday 7 September

Ran to the Japanese Garden today.  Got lost twice on the way there and once on the way back, so i got a few more miles in than i had planned.  I didn't wake up until 9:30 and started at 10 and lucky for me breakfast at the hotel was still open until 11 so i grabbed a quick bite after my run and started my day.  The run at the garden was pretty.

Tress planted in rows and the fish and frog pond


Distance Recap

I really hadn't planned on doing any speed work; just figuring out where i am and how to get around.  Was target ting about 20 miles/32.2km this week and feel good about 19.1 mi/30.8 km.  We'll give this week a B+ in terms of training and dealing with travel, i felt it was pretty good.  

Next week I'd like to get one day of speed work in, either 800's or 400's and the Japanese garden looks good for it.  Long run will be tomorrow - shooting for 15km/9.3 miles.  Target distance next week = 40-45km/25-28mi.