Sunday, October 13, 2013

Race Edition: Dwars door Hasselt 15K

What an unbelievable racing experience!  Where do I start?  First and foremost, I set a new Personal Record for the 15k at 76:50!  That beats my time from the Downtown Doubler two Septembers ago by nearly a minute.

My bike!!!
The race started at 3:30pm. Much different from what I am used to back in the states. Also different from the states was how I got to the
race: I ride a bike. Yes I rode a bike. The new place I am staying at
said not to drive, nowhere to park, and said use the bike instead. It
was about the easiest way to get to a race other than having someone drive you.

The whole city came out for this race. They have a 1k, 3k, 5k, ladies
only 5k, 10k and 15k. All the other races started way earlier starting
at 1:30, and since I was there with the Konings team, I had two hours
of down time before the race. Maybe it was a good thing but man was the wind cold. Lucky for me, Kate packed me my orange Nike Jacket and for that I am super thankful.

Pre Race Line Up
The music they play pre race is all me. Electronic. House. Trance.
Dance. Upbeat stuff to get you ready for a run. As I lined up to start
in the middle if the pack I felt good and when they said go, we went.

First 2k were packed but moving at a good pace. Was happy with how
fast and settled in at this pace, 5:05 or so for.

At km 4, we actually ran in to a building. It reminded me of running
the Derby half where you run I to Churchill Downs but the was like an
industrial building. Whatever it was fun.

At km 8 I knew I had a legit chance to PR let alone beat my time goal
of 80 minutes.

Around km 9 I saw a few people from Konings. It's fascinating when in
another country where clearly you can hear your native language. I'd
been hearing Dutch for miles and then all of a sudden I hear 'Go
James' in unmistaken clear English. I waved and yelled 'Hey' to my
Belgian coworkers and keep on my pace with a bit of pep in my step.

Race Performance...
Km 12. Started slowing down a bit. Wind in my face, a little light rain, people passing me. Legs tired. Heart rate above 175. All not such good things. But this race I had something to prove to myself after Napa's meltdown. I started running with heart again. A song came on my iPhone that reminded me of Kate when we first started dating.  I thought of running with Oly this summer off his leash right next to me as I did mile repeats.  I thought of Nell Bell and her little tiny muscular legs running around the house everywhere. I thought of Calli and having FaceTime with her the night before and watching her break down in years crying asking when I would be home again.  That's all fuel for running with heart...

At km 13 I knew I had it in me.  The last 2k of the race wound throughout the city I have spent 6 of the last 7 weeks in. There were people cheering everywhere. I was so focused on my family, my heart and my stride. When I turned the corner into Dussart Plein I put it into high gear and crossed the finish line with a huge smile on my face. And then the race announcer said something in Dutch followed by James Halaris!!!! It was my race and my day today. 76:50. A new PR!

Dwars door Hasselt 15k finishers medal - i am ready for Indy...

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