Saturday, September 21, 2013

Week 38 - Third Week

I finally get to come home this week and see my family! I have missed them so much since I have been gone for the past 2.5 weeks.  Gonna be a tough training especially later in the week on the day I travel home but schedule looks good to be able to get speed work in and long run Sunday.


Sunday 15 September

17k crushed!
Absolutely gorgeous morning for a run!  Sun was finally shining today and the weather was perfect, right at 50 degrees.  I met Frank and three of his buddies and the 5 of us took off on our long run.  About 3k into the run, while in the forest on the trails, there were 2 huge cows just standing in the middle of the path.  We walked around them as the Mooooooooooed!  Kind of funny.

On today's run i did manage to stop and take a picture of the castle we run by.  Its huge and I think i can maybe go inside an visit it.  I'll have to ask - it reminded me of the huge mansion homes in Newport, Rhode Island and the Biltmore

The last six or seven km were solid.  My splits were all around 6:20 min/km + or - 3 seconds so i felt good running right along.  The earlier part of the run was faster, closer to 6:00 but overall a real solid effort.  I'll grade this an A.

Fabulous castle in Belgium


Monday 16 September

I was still a little sore after yesterday's run.  Just did a loop around Hasselt nice an easy.  6:10 min/km.  A- Grade.

Tuesday 17 September

It was a really busy workday and I was procrastinating running all day because i was still sore from Sunday.  I decided that I would run after dinner, which ended up being around 9.  While i did not PUKE, i do not recommend running, in the rain, at night, after eating spaghetti Bolognese and prosecco. Slows 6:25 km/min!  Was also supposed to run 5k - didn't happen.  Grade = C.

Wednesday 18 September

The track near Hasselt and Zonhoven
The track Frank showed me on Sunday's run was today's location.  I was so excited to actually be able to run at a real track and get in some good speed work.  Did 800 meter warm up followed by 5x400's with 2 minutes rest.  I blew away the first 400 - i knew i was too fast - but wa so excited to be on a good running surface.  Times were 87, 97, 96, 103 and 97.  Grade A.


Thursday 19 September

This was my first 'early morning' run.  I had to run in the morning because I planned on driving to Brussels in preparation for my return home.  I also felt sore in my outer quads - a good sign from the speed work i did yesterday.  I felt like i could have run further but decided to ease up.  Grade A-.

Friday 20 September

'Dreadmill' screen
I stayed at the Sheraton Brussels which is actually only 39 steps from the hotel door to the departures door at the airport.  So needless to say, there is just nowhere to go run around outside.  Aside from getting sick and missing 9 days with pneumonia, i had run every single day OUTSIDE, on the roads, streets, track, park, in whatever weather mother nature sent my way.  Today just wasn't gonna happen.  First time on a treadmill in 553  I still remember why i prefer running anywhere else.  Didn't go the full distance.  Grade B.

Saturday 21 September

First run back in the states in nearly 3 weeks.  Just did a lap around Hayfield Way with Calli in the Double BOB and oly came with.  He got tangled up in the BOB right away - he forgot how to run with the stroller.  Grade B.

Distance Recap

I had targeted 37-42 km this past week.  Short by 4-9 km at 32.6km for the week.  A few 5k days i only did 2 or 3 k so missed there.  But I was happy with both my long run and speed work, so i got the hard ones in and with good effort.

Back in the states this week and plan to get back into the routine of a long run Sunday and a tempo run Thursday morning.  Looking forward to reconnecting with my Louisville runners and share stores over the last 3 weeks away.  Target distance this week is same as last week: 37-42km.  

It feels great to be back home!

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