Saturday, September 28, 2013

Week 39 - Fourth Week

It was so awesome coming home on Friday!  My flight actually got in an hour EARLY, that never happens.  Long run Sunday and speed work scheduled for Thursday.  Pre Remicade run on Friday and a 5k race for breast cancer support on Saturday.  I'll be pushing the girls in the double bob so not a competitive race expected.

Sunday 22 September

20k crushed!
I was so excited to see Megan and Bridget on today's long run.  Hadn't seen either in 3 weeks and we had lots to catch up on.  I brought them each a Belgian waffle for the post run snack and maybe that's why we absolutely crushed our run.  We did the Seneca to Cherokee loop but did it in reverse...some of those nice downhills now were not so fun uphills.  Then we ran by Bridget's first house in St. Matthew and back.  When we got back to the park we were still short distance so we finished with a lap on the Seneca loop - and it was our fastest mile!  Its hard to imagine that my next long run with these two training partners will actually by the race on 2 November...  Grade A.

Monday 23 September

I was so sore today - i could barely do any speed and my calves and the hills were killing me.  Given how yesterday's run was, i probably should have expected this.  Pace was 6:45 min/km.  Grade B.

Tuesday 24 September

Still sore today but not as bad.  I actually rolled out my lower and outside legs last night after my run so that probably helped.  Took Oly with me on a quick loop around the hood.  Speed work tomorrow am.  Pace was an improvement over yesterday at 6:34 min/km.  Grade D+ since i did not do the prescribed distance.

Wednesday 25 September

Got up early this morning and ran my usual two laps around Cherokee park.  Met with Laura and Megan; both of whom are way faster than me so for speed work they make great running partners.  After a quick 5 minute warm up we started out and i was feeling good.  Of course when we got to dog hill, both times they pulled ahead of me and i fought to catch up.  I figured i was just really out of shape since i hadn't done any speed work.  Much to my surprise, i had my second fastest single lap time ever at 20:13.  Total time for both laps was 41:45.  Pace during speed work was 5:24 min/km.  Grade A+.

Thursday 26 September

My legs were pretty tired after crushing Cherokee park the day before and it was Selena's third run in 24 hours, so we just took it easy and ran the Pioneer 5k course nice an easy.  Pace was 6:18 min/km.  Grade B+.

Friday 27 September

Remicade infusion day.  Got a pretty good routine down for infusion day.  Get up, drink a gatorade.  Go on a 1.5-3 mile run.  Drink more gatorade, get IV in arm and get infused.  Tolerated the infusion well and feel ready for the Hoosiers Outrun Cancer 5k tomorrow.

Saturday 28 September

Me and Kate before the HOC 5k
Today my entire family and extended family ran in the Hoosier Outrun Cancer 5k in Bloomington.  It was a great way to celebrate life's wins over cancer and respectfully remember those that fought valiantly against cancer.  I ran for Team Becky and adorned my pink LuLu Lemon shorts and rocked out the pink and black striped socks.  There were so many people for the first mile that i could only walk with the stroller.  By the time we got into mile 2, the crowd was thinning and we were moving good.  Starting running full time after mile 2 and had a nice finish with Aaron, Kobe Kate and the girls in the double bob.  Nice easy walking warm up and some running for the last half.   Because of how many people where packed in for the event, (which is a good thing), my time was my all time slowest at 45:58 but i don't care; i was just happy to be able to support the cause. Grade B+.

Distance recap

I had targeted 49 km this past week.  Short by 4 km at 45km for the week.  I was very happy with both my long run and my speed work so i'll say this week was a good success.

I am headed back to Belgium this week so Monday and Tuesday runs will be minimal.  Planning on doing 10-12 miles on Sunday with Ashley while in Bloomington.  I'll be in Germany on Friday visiting my old exchange student host family and look forward to running in Germany on Saturday.  Target distance this week is 40km.  

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