Saturday, September 14, 2013

Week 37 - Second Week

It's my second week now in Belgium and I am starting to feel much more comfortable walking and running around Hasselt.  Work looks to be similar to last week; hoping to get some speed work in on Wednesday this week, as well as try out some new routes in the city.  Long run of 15k is goal and that will get knocked out Sunday.


Sunday 8 September

I met Frank and two of his running cohorts at the park at 830.  We crushed a 15k run with an average pace around 6 min/km.  What was so different about this run was the trail running part.  Back in the states; i am 100% street or track running; whereas today's run had over 50% on trails.  I really enjoyed it and learned some Dutch along the way - left = links; right = rechts (both similar to German) and straight = rechtdoor.

Some notable things about today's run: castles are magnificent - I'll snap a picture next time i run here by myself, running through a petting zoo is fun just as much as stopping to pet a goat, rabbit or pig, some trails were wooden bridges where chicken wire was laid on them to prevent slipping in wet - which i was wet today so that was nice, and sometimes bike's don't see you and you need to shout at them to look!

I'll give today's run an A.  Happy with being able to keep up with these Belgian's and getting in all 15k at a pace slightly faster than i run back home.  Everyone in Louisville be ready to pick up the pace a bit on long run days!


Monday 9 September

It has gotten colder outside over the weekend and the forecast for the week calls for rain and cool temps.  I had a lot of energy at the end of the day which explains my pace.  Just a very quick 3k today down Maastrichtersteenweg at 5:22 min/km.  Grade is A.


Tuesday 10 September

Explored more of the town and found a 5k route i think i can live with.  Was quite happy with the run and the time under 30 minutes at 5:49 min/km.  A grade.


Wednesday 11 September

Today my UC decided it was a good day to show its ugly face.  Barely made it to work in time to hit the restroom in time and my guts grumbled all day...and the bloating sucks too.  Furthermore, I'm starting to figure out my new job a bit more which leads to some stress...but ugh it just came on so fast and suddenly.  Got out the door for a less than stellar run but nevertheless got it in.  2.4km at 5:50 min/km.  Grade B.


Thursday 12 September

Had planned on doing some speed work but with the stresses of being away and work being absolutely brutal again today, i managed a quick run around the Hasselt ring.  5:49 min/km.  Grade E (did not do speed work).


Friday 13 September

Did a fast run around the ring again.  Much better day at work and just overall.  The UC issues I was having on Wednesday have been non existent today and yesterday.  Just glad that was only one day.  5:19 min/km.  Grade A-.


Saturday 14 September

Left - Red - Bikes
Right - Blocks - Sidewalk
Scheduled for 8km, only did 5.5km.  Traffic around the ring was rather busy and it was sprinkling.  For a portion of the run i ran on the 'dedicated' bike lane and did a speed burst; felt really good.  Much easier to run on vs the brick by brick laid sidewalks.  5:34 min/km; grade B+


Distance Recap

Had targeted 40-45km this week but did not get speed work in nor did i get all my miles in.  I did have a good long run Sunday and know that one is important.  We'll give this week a B+, missed speed work and short total distance but overall a good week.  

I have 17km scheduled Sunday with Frank and perhaps some of his friends.  Hopefully on Tuesday or Wednesday do a speed workout at the track between my hotel and the office.  Friday is going to be the most difficult day to get a run in because i leave Brussels at 10:45 am and arrive to Louisville at 7:05 pm; and the last thing i want to do when i get home after being away for so long is to lace up for a mile.  I'll figure it out...Target distance next week = 37-42km.

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