Sunday, October 13, 2013

Race Edition: Dwars door Hasselt 15K

What an unbelievable racing experience!  Where do I start?  First and foremost, I set a new Personal Record for the 15k at 76:50!  That beats my time from the Downtown Doubler two Septembers ago by nearly a minute.

My bike!!!
The race started at 3:30pm. Much different from what I am used to back in the states. Also different from the states was how I got to the
race: I ride a bike. Yes I rode a bike. The new place I am staying at
said not to drive, nowhere to park, and said use the bike instead. It
was about the easiest way to get to a race other than having someone drive you.

The whole city came out for this race. They have a 1k, 3k, 5k, ladies
only 5k, 10k and 15k. All the other races started way earlier starting
at 1:30, and since I was there with the Konings team, I had two hours
of down time before the race. Maybe it was a good thing but man was the wind cold. Lucky for me, Kate packed me my orange Nike Jacket and for that I am super thankful.

Pre Race Line Up
The music they play pre race is all me. Electronic. House. Trance.
Dance. Upbeat stuff to get you ready for a run. As I lined up to start
in the middle if the pack I felt good and when they said go, we went.

First 2k were packed but moving at a good pace. Was happy with how
fast and settled in at this pace, 5:05 or so for.

At km 4, we actually ran in to a building. It reminded me of running
the Derby half where you run I to Churchill Downs but the was like an
industrial building. Whatever it was fun.

At km 8 I knew I had a legit chance to PR let alone beat my time goal
of 80 minutes.

Around km 9 I saw a few people from Konings. It's fascinating when in
another country where clearly you can hear your native language. I'd
been hearing Dutch for miles and then all of a sudden I hear 'Go
James' in unmistaken clear English. I waved and yelled 'Hey' to my
Belgian coworkers and keep on my pace with a bit of pep in my step.

Race Performance...
Km 12. Started slowing down a bit. Wind in my face, a little light rain, people passing me. Legs tired. Heart rate above 175. All not such good things. But this race I had something to prove to myself after Napa's meltdown. I started running with heart again. A song came on my iPhone that reminded me of Kate when we first started dating.  I thought of running with Oly this summer off his leash right next to me as I did mile repeats.  I thought of Nell Bell and her little tiny muscular legs running around the house everywhere. I thought of Calli and having FaceTime with her the night before and watching her break down in years crying asking when I would be home again.  That's all fuel for running with heart...

At km 13 I knew I had it in me.  The last 2k of the race wound throughout the city I have spent 6 of the last 7 weeks in. There were people cheering everywhere. I was so focused on my family, my heart and my stride. When I turned the corner into Dussart Plein I put it into high gear and crossed the finish line with a huge smile on my face. And then the race announcer said something in Dutch followed by James Halaris!!!! It was my race and my day today. 76:50. A new PR!

Dwars door Hasselt 15k finishers medal - i am ready for Indy...

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Week 41 - Sixth Week

Going to be an interesting week this week.  Will actually run in four different countries this week, which seems really strange but feel very fortunate that I have the opportunity to do so.  Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and Ireland...

Sunday 6 October

Me at the border between Germany and The Netherlands
GPS proof of border crossing
Never did I imagine I'd ever run in two states on a single run let alone two countries (did the two states run a few times between Indiana and Kentucky this year).  Well Axel only lives 2-3km from the Dutch boarder and being the dorky tourist i felt like being, I ran to the Netherlands from Germany.  Axel, Kerstin and their son Hannes all came with me on there bikes.  Real leisurely pace and some posing for the camera at the border...Grade B.

Monday 7 October

The boring dreadmill run at the Sheraton Airport Brussels.  Grade C.

Tuesday 8 October

St Stephens Park in Dublin - fantastic park
 I loved Dublin.  What a fantastic city to run in, shop in, and people watch.  I also made sure i had my pint of Guinness while there, but more importantly, crushed a 5k training run in St. Stephens park.  I also don't think this will be the last time in run in this park - perfectly laid out so that the long ring around the scenic park is almost exactly 1 km...just perfect.  Lots of people out doing sports, sitting around reading, pushing babies in strollers - made me miss my family big time, and people eating and hanging out.  Pushed pace for the run 5:39 min/km.  Grade A.

Wednesday 9 October

The boring dreadmill run at the Westbury Hotel in Dublin.  Grade C.

Thursday 10 October

Worked a pretty long day but got caught up with my work - which put me back at the hotel almost at 7pm.  Went for a quick run around the ring.  I could see that the barricades for Sunday's race were starting to be staged - and that got me excited.  Grade A-.

Friday 11 October

I got up early and went for a run around the ring.  The weather was perfect - shorts were ok, but you needed a long sleeve shirt, winter hat and gloves.  My last 4km were all under 5:30 km/min - which I'd be happy with for a race pace come Sunday.  Grade A.

Saturday 12 October

Just an real easy lap around the ring - not too much effort since i have the race tomorrow.   Body felt like going faster.  Grade A (hey, it's a taper run).

Distance Recap

Didn't really have any targeted distance this week - just wanted to explore the different parts of Europe I am lucky enough to be able to run in.  Did nearly 25k this week which feels right given the race distance Sunday.  I am ready for my race tomorrow and I'll post a 'special edition' blog entry post race!

Next week I need to get one speed workout in.  Hopefully i can do that.  Also planning to go to Brussel for the weekend and will run with a friend in the city on Saturday and Sunday mornings, so that's kind of fun.  At this point, the Sunday race will really be the last long run before the half in Indy - so the hay is already in the barn as we say in the Midwest!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Week 40 - Fifth Week

After a great week at home with my family and friends, I am headed back to Belgium Monday.  While in the states, i picked up a new pair of shoes, Adidas Glide.  Should be a nice change from the four pairs of Brooks Glycerines I had been in for the past year.

Adidas Glide

Sunday 29 September

Sunday's Run
My SIL Ashley and I ran a giant loop around Bloomington today.  It was also POURING rain for nearly all of our run.  We basically decided that we would still run because the weather on the day of the Monumental half could very well be exactly what today was like.  Solid pace through a difficult (hilly) course with rain.  New shoes worked out awesomely and i tried to keep from stepping in any huge puddles.  My shorts, hat, socks and shirt were COMPLETELY soaked and waterlogged.  At least some good practice and Ashely made for good running company.  Hopefully my legs won't be too sore so that on the cramped flight i won't need to stretch out too much.  Grade A.

Monday 30 September

This was my last run in the states for a while.  Just ran around the neighborhood with Oly.  Recovery run.  Grade A.

Tuesday 1 October

Ran around the Hasselt ring in a attempt to eliminate or reduce jet lag.  Felt pretty good running it and got my pace under 6:00 min/km.  Grade A.

Wednesday 2 October

Got up at a normal time so my jet lag seems to have been defeated by the run yesterday.  Ran around the ring nice and easy before heading into work.  Grade A.

Thursday 3 October

Felt like groundhog's day - same run as yesterday morning, but much faster this time at 5:39 min/km.  Grade A.

Friday 4 October

I drove to Kaldenkirchen, Germany to revisit where i studied for a month in high school and see my host brother Axel and his family.  I got in to Germany after dark so Axel accompanied me on his bike and we did a quick 2k around the neighborhood.  While running, i saw a lighted sign of my Lieblingsbier - Diebels alt.  Grade B+.

Me, Axel und Diebels alt.

Saturday 5 October

Axel again accompanied me on my run from his bike and took my on a slightly longer route.  Could actually see the Netherlands from where we were.  It was humid out and we had a great time being out.  Nice slow pace above 6 min/km.  Grade B.

Distance Recap

I had targeted 40 km this past week.  Short by 8 km at 32km for the week.  My long run with Ashley was great but the travel did take it's toll on me this week.  Nevertheless, i got to see Axel and his family, who i had not seen in 18 years, and it was well worth the trip to see him.

Headed to Ireland this week and hoping to get a good Dublin city or park run in while I am there.  Have a feeling i will also be doing some treadmill runs on Monday and Wednesday (airplane travel days).  Won't have much distance or effort on Friday the 11th or Saturday the 12th as I have a race on the 13th.